Our Solution

Greenole was created by experienced professionals in the field of building automation.

We took a clean sheet approach on existing building software, available software architecture and frameworks, to design an open, easy to use software platform, that connects people and buildings.

  1. Monitoramento em Tempo Real
  2. Gerenciamento Integrado
  3. Otimização Proativa
  4. Redução de Custos Operacionais
  5. Sustentabilidade
  6. Insights Baseados em Dados
  7. Previsão e Prevenção de Problemas
  8. Melhoria do Conforto e Satisfação dos Ocupantes

Meet our Team

Flávio Magtaz

Brazil Head Leader

Lenny Joseph

United States Head Leader

Lucas Lassance

Chief Technology Officer

Lucas Storch

FrontEnd Tech Leader

Tarsila Ferrarotto

Marketing Leader

Vinicius Nascimento

Data Scientist